During 2018-2020, The Ford Program-GEI Project will donate 100+ upgraded MultiMedia Science e-Books with MultiMedia Curricula Lesson Plans for every public school teacher in countries, worldwide, K-12→College→Career. The MultiMedia Science e-Books provide content researched from leading international experts, succinctly organized and deliverable directly to the finger tips of public school teachers and students, worldwide, K-12→College→Career. Collectively, the MultiMedia Science e-Books cover 16 science areas vital to the 21st Century Global Economy:

All Multimedia Science e-Books and MultiMedia Curricula Lesson Plans include embedded links to Training, Mentoring and Following Up web videos for teachers and students. All Multimedia Science e-Books also include embedded links to science and math web videos by international experts.
The Ford Program-GEI Project will donate the upgraded MultiMedia Science e-Books with MultiMedia Curricula Lesson Plans under an Open Educational Resources [OER] License to governments and countries, worldwide, to help accelerate Global Education Transformation of public schools, K-12→College→Career.