Mission & History
Founded in 1994, The John C. Ford Program, Inc. [Ford Program] is a nonprofit, international NGO donor. The Ford Program develops, tests and donates STEM Education Programs [science-technology-engineering-math] and 21st Century Skills’ Training for teachers and students, to help accelerate global education transformation that leads to sustainable economic development in underserved communities, worldwide. All Ford Program donations are designed to assure that every student at every public school, worldwide, attains and can apply 21st Century Skills with proficiency, K-12→College→Career.
The Ford Program-GEI Project’s mission is to help build global capacity through education and economic development in underserved communities, worldwide.
To assure that every student at every public school, worldwide, attains, 21st century skills, K-12→College→Career.
History→GEI Project
During 1999-2006, the U.S. Department of Commerce Technology Opportunities Program, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Bank of America Foundation, EDS Foundation and Microsoft Corporation awarded The Ford Program $3 Million grants to develop a new applied-learning pedagogy with STEM Entrepreneurship Programs to help bridge the K→College gaps in STEM education, and train the next generation of scientists and engineers, worldwide, K-12→College→Career. The project that resulted is now known as the Global Education Initiative [GEI Project], and today includes 83+ STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs, developed and tested by The Ford Program and global educators; 100+ MultiMedia Science e-Books; and the new MultiMedia Training eData Center.
The knowledge society requires students who research, learn, analyze and apply 21st century skills to Real-World Issues, K-12→College→Career.
83+ STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs … Education 3.0
The 83+ STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs represent Education 3.0, where teachers are Education Coaches who use an interactive, applied-learning pedagogy to guide students who are proactively engaged in acquiring and applying their STEM and other 21st Century Skills to real-world issues.
During 2001 through 2006, The Ford Program-GEI Project’s applied-learning pedagogy and materials were successfully tested on 12,000 elementary-high school students and their teachers in underserved communities of seven countries: United States, India, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.
100+ MultiMedia Science e-Books
In 2009-2010, The Ford Program-GEI Project also developed 100+ MultiMedia Science e-Books as both stand-alone resources and for usage with the MultiMedia Curricula Lesson Plans and MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs donated by The Ford Program-GEI Project. The Multimedia Science e-Books also include embedded links to on-demand training, mentoring-follow and science web videos by international experts … for all public school teachers and students, K-12→College→Career. The Ford Program-GEI Project is upgrading all donations 2016-2018.
In 2009-2010, The Ford Program-GEI Project upgraded all resources in the STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs to multimedia materials with embedded links to on-demand training, mentoring-follow and science web videos by international experts … for public school teachers and students, worldwide, K-12→College→Career.
Read More About The 83+ STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs…
MultiMedia Training eData Center
In 2010, The Ford Program-GEI Project developed its new MutliMedia Training eData Center with customized training for teachers to incorporate 21st Century Skills into the classroom and for students to apply their 21st Century Skills to real-world issues.