- Developed Micro-Entrepreneurship Programs & Materials to strengthen education for micro-entrepreneurs in underserved communities (1996-2000).
- Developed Innovative Applied-Learning Pedagogy for STEM education, K-12→College→Career (1999-2001).
- Developed 83+ STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs with MultiMedia Materials for teachers and students, including Multimedia Science e-Books, Science Business Plan Templates, Problem-Solving Templates, Engineering Design Process Templates, and Collaboration Templates, all incorporating Ford Program’s applied-learning pedagogy, K-12→College→Career (2001-2010).
- Developed the Global Education Transformation Business Plan, in collaboration with global partners and international educators, to assure that every student, at every grade level, at every public school attains eight important 21st Century Skills-Global Economy Requirements, K-12→College→Career (2006-2008):
- Strong STEM Skills;
- Strong Problem-Solving Skills;
- Strong Creativity Skills;
- Strong Communication Skills – verbal, written and IT;
- Strong Collaboration Skills;
- Strong Negotiation Skills;
- Strong Entrepreneurship Skills; and
- Strong Global Leadership Skills.
- Developed The “Next Generation Leaders-3 Pillars Of Education Transformation” Web Video, for the systemic delivery of the best content and best world educators to every public school, worldwide, K-12→College→Career (2010).
Click Here For Next Generation Leaders Video…
Click Here For Teachers As Education Coaches Video… - Developed The GEI MultiMedia Training eData Center, with 17 MultiMedia Training Tutorial, Mentoring and Follow Up Web Videos specifically focused on STEM Applied Learning-21st Century Skills to close the education gaps and assure that every student, at every grade levels, at every public school attains eight important 21st Century Skills, K-12→College→Career (2009-2010).
Click Here For MultiMedia Training eData Center… - Upgraded a total of 138 MultiMedia Science e-Books and 83+ Applied-Learning, MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs, with embedded Science Video, Training and Mentoring-Follow Up Links in all MultiMedia Materials, totally over 70,000 MultiMedia pages (2010-2016). Donations will be made directly to governments of countries, regions and states committed to education transformation that closes gaps in education at all their public schools, K-12→College→Career (2016-2018).
To close the education gaps, worldwide, for all students, K-12→College→Career.