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Donations Of 83+ MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs
During 2018-2020, The Ford Program-GEI Project has committed to donate 83+ upgraded MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs to help close persistent education gaps and assure that every student, at every grade level, at every public school attains and can apply 21st Century Skills needed for the Global Economy, K-12→College→Career. Collectively, the MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs cover 16 science areas vital to the 21st Century Global Economy:
All MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs incorporate all eight 21st Century Skills, implement all six Bloom’s Learning Taxonomies, parallel the Global Economy Workforce environment and enable students to work as science entrepreneurs in science research committees. Students collaborate, research, learn integrated STEM skills, and apply their STEM and other 21st Century Skills to develop multimedia science business plans and build engineering models that benefit both grassroots and global communities.
All STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs include MultiMedia Materials with embedded links to Training, Mentoring and Following Up web videos for teachers and students. In addition, all MultiMedia Materials for teachers and students include embedded links to science and math web videos by international experts.
The Ford Program-GEI Project will donate the upgraded MultiMedia STEM Entrepreneurship iLAB Programs under an Open Educational Resources [OER] License to governments and countries to help accelerate Global Education Transformation and close education gaps at public schools, worldwide, K-12→College→Career.
To learn more about The Ford Program’s STEM Education donations … Click Here